Calm chaos

Sometimes, I am blessed to feel as though i am living this life for the first time. Too often, it feels repeated, day to day, forgetting the moments, as if in a drunk stupor. Today felt like a breath every moment. Different shades of color from sky to street. Eyes wide open, no sleepy steps. It was not just another day. I wander the noisy chaotic streets. I walk, following an invisible energetic path that only an Indian street possess. The difficulties of my life fade, as I journey in unknown directions. The streets spin in visual confusion, but the people, long ago, are at peace. The past seems to approach the future. Is this path mine, am I being left behind, or am I moving too fast? Stillness seems to find me, and I am absorbed into the invisible energetic path of a calm chaos.

The days start early. I am up before the sun appears on this side of the world. I wander down and order a light breakfast before yoga. The sky begins to warm to a shade of pink and I again notice the constant haze which reaches skyward pushing pinks, yellows and browns up to the heavens. I take a short walk A skinny dog wanders by followed by another. The streets are not beautiful. They are loud, filled with chaos. It is constant, noise and chaos, yet the people are at peace. They come from an ancient place, that remembers contentment. They often have nothing and seem doomed, yet they smile and laugh, and have happiness in heart and soul. I meet a young woman, eye to eye, and she looks away as if to have a secret she holds within. I ask myself, do you know who you are? There are always secrets we hold to our breast, but do you have the courage to see the truth? I walk on, and another solitary woman walks past, dark skinned, black hair, all hidden under a colorful veil. She passes by, into the hazy morning air, slowly becoming blurry, like Mother India herself.